While searching for Jennings Florida State Park, I turned at a small, remote sign that indicated it. After driving about three miles down a decrepit road, with Mobile Homes and run down trucks, I came to the Park entrance. It was not what I had expected, this was out in the hinterlands away from all civilization. I came to a stop at the entrance, the road turned into a rough dirt road. As I sat there wondering if I should go into the forest in front of me, out of the corner of my eye I saw a small dog, a Snaurser (Sp?). Right away I saw another small dog, a Toy Poodle. Both dogs were standing but in bad shape. They looked hungry and were obviously weak. With the car stopped, I sat there astonished that these dogs were out here with no body around. I looked on the other side of the road and saw another small dog, a Manchester. None of the dogs appeared to be interested in one another. They showed no interest in me. Their tails were down and they looked at nothing in particular. I continued to drive into the Park and soon came upon a small clearing. On a bulletin board was a sign that announced that it was Bow Hunting Season. It did not say what the prey was. I was not about to go any further knowing that a hunter with a weapon might mistake my car for game. Or me for that matter. I turned back for the entrance and found the dogs still there. Stopping again, I pondered: Why are these dogs here? Why do they look so bad? Did somebody get tired of them? Was there a family breakup and they were dumped here? They appeared to be, and acted as, inside dogs. They looked hungry but I had no food. They did not look at the car and I had a feeling they were unused to cars. They did not lay down, as I would expect of a tired dog. The nearest place to get some food was perhaps eight miles away. I was not about to get out of the car to entice them into it. What to do? What would you have done?
You mean you didn't want to entice them in like you did "Skitty"? That would just mean the taking care of an animal. You drove away as fast as you could....right???
cheryl, at 9:28 AM
You pose an interesting dilemma. Of course I would just drive away--I don't like dogs and I'm certianly not going to invite them into my car. But I would feel terrible. I would probably give a guilt donation to the local pet shelter. I think I will probably need to actually do that now. Thanks.
(P.S. You took them home and found them great homes--they lived happily ever after--I want money's worth.)
KathrynVH, at 1:57 PM
first things first.....Eight miles isn't very far to get some food to bring back to them. Then you contact the local pet shelter or ASPCA
marty, at 3:12 PM
I'm not exactly sure what I would have done in that situation. I do have a soft spot for animals (especially dogs) so it would be hard for me to just drive away. I guess I could drive the eight miles to get the food, but that would only feed them once... Hmmm... I guess calling the SPCA would help too, but it would have to be one of those "no-kill" shelters, or else I'd just feel bad.
Sean M., at 3:50 PM
I would have driven away.
Poor little dogs, but it was only by chance that you drove down that road on that day. Had you not, they would still be there in their sorry state.
Just to rake up a little mud...
A Democrat would have fed them (institute another social program).
A Republican would want them to find their own food (why should I pay for someone else?).
Tim B., at 6:00 AM
I have two comments and don't know which one to use. So I'll use both.
First: Drive away, don't look back.
Second: Did you HAVE a bow and arrow? A little target practive maybe?
paulette, at 1:48 PM
Looks like the "drive aways" have it, and that is what I did. It is amazing that someone would dump them, but, just because someone has bad judgement or unfortunate circumstances, it does not follow that I must right that wrong. All three of them were expensive dogs, pedigree alone would get them a new home yet the owner dumpered them. Paulette, even if I had a bow and arrow I might still hit my car. Marty, the round trip is 16 miles and what would I buy, hamburgers all around? It was Saturday and I am only familar with Pet Stores in the Mall. Kathy, I am sad to disappoint you with your desire for a happy ending. Cheryl, you only make that mistake once and I had mine many years ago.
Marcel, at 5:11 PM
Just want to clarify…..I didn’t read it as ‘what you should have done.’ But rather ‘what would you do?’ I would have gotten them some food, to temporize. And then turned it over to someone who, hopefully, has expert professional knowledge . That’s the way I would handle most distressing situations.
marty, at 10:50 PM
You are right Marty, I did want to know what others would do. By the way, when did you learn to use expert professional knowledge? I thought you were self-reliant.
Marcel, at 5:46 PM
I would have headed for home, but stopped at the nearest phone booth (do they still have those?) to look up the nearest animal shelter and call them with the information and location.
Monica, at 11:11 AM
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