It was a rainy, cool day as I left Best Buy on my way to the Mall. Driving out of the parking lot took some time since the light seemed to be short and the exiting line was long. Once on Blanding boulevard, four lanes wide, it was slow going, very slow going. I inserted my tape of "Carousel" and listened to the music from that show. It was very pleasant relaxing in the slow traffic and listening to Gordon McRae singing "My Boy Bill". I heard the complete tape before getting to the Mall, a distance of three miles. I reflected how lucky I was to have nothing to do but lounge in the car and listen to this good music. A person wanted to get in front of me and I waved him in. "This Was A Very Good Clambake" came on and I tried to sing along but did not hit all the words correctly, it was a bit too styled. There were two lanes turning into the Mall and I was on the outside lane, somebody got caught in the third lane and wanted to turn in, I waved her in. The wipers were working nicely because I had put replacement blades in only three weeks ago. There is nothing like a good sound system in a car, great invention. Life is good.
What a great outlook. No danger of road rage from you.
paulette, at 7:06 AM
even your blog sounded relaxing and soothing....I almost fell asleep at the computer.
cheryl, at 7:34 AM
ROAD RAGE, That is where one driver wants another to engage in a driving pattern that he is either: ignorant about, incapable of performing, too slow, or so incompetant as a driver that they got their licence from a box of Krakerjack.
Marcel, at 6:10 PM
What a nice guy you are. Were you always that way even in your 'youth' of driving?
Monica, at 3:56 PM
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