
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Romney RINO

The Republican candidates for president are all good but one thing stands out in the field. Romney is not a conservative even though he has many talents for governing. His leadership stand in Massachusetts for Romneycare screams out that he is a large government guy. He worked hand in glove with liberal Democrats to craft that piece of legislation. The main stream media is constantly telling us that he is the one that should be chosen. Just as they chose McCain in the last election, they seek to choose Romney for us in this election.

He also believes in man-made global warming. The danger here is that, followed to its logical conclusion, it can be ruinous trying to take action on reducing man's effects on climate. This says nothing of his inability to see the whole hoax about global warming and the efforts that were made to show proof of global warming. This means he cannot yet see the attempt made by United Nations to control this complete issue and bring all other countries under the laws of the United Nations, including taxation.

His state, Massachusetts, is starting to reel under the costs of Romneycare, yet, he continues to defend that program. It is troubling that such a good manager will not admit that there are flaws in the program.

The main stream media are already trying to influence each debate and will continue with each primary. They point out that Romney's record is far and away the best of the candidates. Also, he has executive experience gained as a state Governor. This is said as if nobody in the field of candidates can come close to being as acceptable.

Conservatives have cause to be wary. They fooled us with McCain last time but it will be hard to fool us again.


  • Oh, that awesome main stream media. I don't even remember them having a delegation seated at the 2008 RNC, and yet the nominated McCain. You should note, talk to you conservative friends, republicans don't follow much main stream media, let alone be influenced by them.
    I will allow tnat McCain was a major mistake, but why can you just own it and not try to find someone else to blame. I lost my car keys, can I blame them for that?


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:29 PM  

  • Say what you will about Romney but if he would have been nominated in 2008 I would have voted Republican. He is not my first choice but the Republicans can do much worse (can you say Huntsman). Cain is pretty good but my dream team is Allan West(not running) and Michel Bachmann.

    The liberal lame stream media plus MSNBC and the Comedy Central mental retards do whatever they can to influence the Republican candidate selection. They succeeded with McCain in 2008. They try to influence Republicans to vote for the most liberal candidate. They argue that some Republicans are too radically conservative to win in the general election and many gullible Republicans buy it. Note, however, they never argue some Democrat candidates are to radically liberal. In their alternate reality there is no such thing as a radical liberal. Just look at the last 4 Democrat Presidential candidates: Clinton, Gore, Kerry and Obama. Each one more liberal than the last but none radical per the LSM.

    By Blogger John Beauregard, at 8:55 PM  

  • BTW......Fox News is pushing hard for Romney, are they the MSM.
    AND....if the MSM is pushing for Romney, the only Republican with a chance, does that mean they are playing against Obama?
    Strange world, isn't it?


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:35 PM  

  • Out of the entire field of candidates they each look to me to have the potential of being a wolf in sheeps clothing except for Herman Cain. The last thing I want to see is another career politician in the White House. With Herman Cain we are assured to have a leader who cares about the country rather than his career.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:57 AM  

  • Except, it's a political job. I don't like the health care industry, but when I need surgery I'm defiantly looking for experience. I don't like the legal community, but sure don't want 'joe the plumber' defending me.
    Cain cares about the same thing Romney,Perry, etc.etc care about......getting elected.
    Obama on the other had is more noble and cares only about being REelected.


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:49 PM  

  • I was thinking the same thing, Dad/Za. How on earth can the MSM influence anything in the Republican field. What republican is listening to anything besides FoxNews? Certainly none that I know of. Of course, being in academia, I have a very small sample size of "republicans I know well enough to know what they are watching" but my damn McDonalds always has FoxNews on all three TVs.

    By Blogger EZ Travel, at 3:49 AM  

  • It being a political job does not inspire me to seek someone with political experience. It seems to me we've had politicians doing the job of patriots for far too long. I relate that to going to the plumber to get a tooth fixed.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:35 AM  

  • till you have a tooth ache


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:49 AM  

  • EZ, You should not generalize conservatives. I consider myself as conservative as anyone but I rarely watch Fox News. My main news sources are ABC, CBS, and NBC. To get "the rest of the story" I go to Drudge on line because those three networks often suppress news that puts big government(and Obama) in a bad light. I probably know as many conservatives as you know liberals and many do watch Fox but most also watch those three networks as well.
    Most conservatives are not totally dependent on a single source of news like many liberals and their Comedy Central.

    By Blogger John Beauregard, at 1:18 PM  

  • John: does Sarah know you use language like this....
    ........Comedy Central mental retards.....
    Be sure to tell her your a conservative, they can call her kid a retard and its OK, but she gets all bent out of shape is a liberal says it


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:31 PM  

  • Who do you find on Fox News? Reguar panel members: Alan Coombs, Giraldo Rivera, Kirstin Powers, the exhead of the Democrat party - I forget his name. When a Republican Senator is shown a Democrat Senator is there for a balance and the same with a cogressperson. Other liberals featured: Shabaz the head of the New Black Panthers, Al Sharpton, Barney Frank, Jessee Jackson Jr., Charlie Rangel, Senator Dodd, etc. All these people have their say and it is up to the listener to decide. Even Obama has been interviewed by Bill O'Rielly.

    By Blogger Marcel, at 7:17 PM  

  • Pat has just informed me that the name of the exhead of the National Democratic Party is Bob Beckel. Bob is usually seen on Shawn Hannity's show where he gives the other side of whatever Hannity is saying.

    Another person I forgot was Juan Williams, a black, who is sensitive to all racial comments and gets his opinion out every time. Juan has also hosted some of Fox's mainline shows. Yes, Fox is fair and balanced.

    By Blogger Marcel, at 12:07 PM  

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