
Sunday, August 21, 2011

Work Ethic

Because of recently observing the anti-work ethic a few times this past month, I have decided to write about a work ethic. When we had children in the house, I cannot remember one time when I came home from work and Pat was lying down resting. As I look back into my memory I don't even remember when she was sitting down and doing nothing. Dinner was usually in the making when I came home. When dinner was ready, she served it. When dinner was over she participated with the girls in cleaning up and putting things away.

Morning for her always started early with making lunches for the kids before they got up. Then she started with making breakfast for the kids, sometimes for me also. After everybody left she cleaned up and put everything in an orderly place. She did all the shopping for the family, deciding what the meals would be. I cannot remember her asking me what she should make for dinner, it was always her decision. She brought it home, cooked it, served it and saved left-overs, if any.

Clothing was always her responsibility. She always had the proper clothing for the kids. She determined what they needed, what sizes, what color, what style. How did she know? She just knew because I was never in on those decisions. As a matter of fact, she also determined what I needed and bought clothes for me at Christmas or my birthday. Only recently have I purchased my own underwear. She did the wash, nearly every day, and ironed what needed ironing, hanging it up in the closets for when they were needed. Clothes always went back into dresser drawers.

She vacuumed and cleaned the house, passing this chore over to the older kids as they were able to handle it. Many times, after they were able to handle it, she still was required to do some of it. If the walls needed painting, she chose the colors, brushes, rollers and did the painting. (There were times when I helped in the painting, but it was rare.) She decorated the house to make it look nice. If there was something that did not get put away, she got to it and put it where it belonged.

It was Pat that always registered the kids for school, got their supplies, and drove them to special school events. She ran Cub Scouts and Brownies when other mothers would not, or could not, do it. She was not discouraging in anything she did. If something had to be done she did it. She has a work ethic that can be matched by very few people.

Lately, when I have a task to do, she is impatient with me because I want to think it over. I want to look into it, study it, muse about what is best to do before making a decision. She on the other hand, if it was her decision, would already have the task done.


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