
Thursday, October 20, 2011

Upward Mobility

For the most part, people understand that it is necessary to start at the bottom when entering the work force. It goes without saying that that is the level in which the lowest remuneration is to be had. As the trainee becomes more knowledgeable, adept, productive he becomes more valuable either to his present employer or another potential employer. This enables the employer to increase the amount paid or the benefits awarded. The progress is from trainee, to competence, to superior ability. It is expected that employees will progress in this manner.

When such progress is not achieved it is often times the individuals fault through the following: lack of interest. lack of application, lack of understanding, poor work habits, or unsuitability for the work, inability to do the work at the next level. It can also be the company's fault through: stagnation, lack of growth, lack of innovation, inability to compete, failure to automate, failure to understand the market. In such a case it is necessary to leave such a company in order to continue rising.

Obtaining an education enabled people to start at a higher position with slightly higher pay. This person was more valuable to an organization. Early on a high school diploma was sufficient but was sometimes superseded by a college degree. The more you know, the better the job and the better the pay.

The minimum wage law has had an important effect on upward mobility at the low end. Where a person could be hired for very little and tolerated for not producing much until skills could be developed, which enabled the earning of a higher wage. Now the wage is so high that a person must be productive very early on or the business can be put in distress. Hiring now is similar to the biblical saying: "Many are called but few are chosen." It is the low level jobs that have a high turnover. This is why there are not as many low level jobs as there used to be.

Today, there is a problem because so many of our young people have been told that they are special and the world should yield to their desires. Many want to start at the top because that is where they feel they should be. It is cruel to keep them ignorant of the real world.


  • There is one important point that I failed to make. The national economy is stagnant, even shrinking, and entrepraneurs are not starting up new business or expanding their present ones. The number of lanes for upward mobility are declining and this leads to frustrating the upwardly mobile. There exists today a large pool of people that are ready to move to better and more rewarding jobs. When the economy is properly stimulated it will take off like a rocket. However, it cannot be done under the policies of the present administration.

    By Blogger Marcel, at 2:52 AM  

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