
Saturday, March 05, 2011


When I was much younger I was aware that there were socialists, communists and anarchists. The Hearst newspapers were always railing against them, after all, I was a Times carrier. They were so far out of my personal view of life that I gave them no serious thought. Now that a socialist is President it behoves me to be aware. Norman Thomas could never be elected President, there were not enough socialists to get him past a few percent of the total amount of electors. Now, with a black socialist, the assured support of the black electors, the outright lies during the campaign, the money from the unions, the spade work done by college professors and the apathy of many voters, Obama was elected President. He is running the executive part of our government differently than any president before him. His Tsars are quasi-legal, he fights against state governors, he ignores any laws that he does not like, ignores the courts, harms our friends, lavishes praise to our enemies and desires, like a good socialist, to "spread-the-wealth", uses the executive branch to make laws that are the purview of the legislature. He is a threat to our Constitution. I pray that the American people, at the next election, will rid us of this socialist.


  • One of the problems Republicans have in defeating Obama in 2012 is that they have been drifting left ever since Reagan. The government center of gravity is now so far left that when a potential conservative comes along he is plausibly labeled an extremist. Our ill informed electorate (who get their political news from Colbert or Stewart) fear extremism more than they love freedom. And the downward spiral continues.

    By Blogger John Beauregard, at 9:54 AM  

  • I did not include that but I should have.

    By Blogger Marcel, at 12:35 PM  

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