
Saturday, May 19, 2012

To Support Or Not To Support

I have received five letters from Mitt Romney asking for financial support. I have sent money to Rubio, Cain, Palin, The Tea Party and Santorum because I want smaller government, a government that is responsive to the people and one that respects the Constitution. The big spenders: you know who they are, the ones that have increased our national debt to 17 trillion and do not blink at even more increases, the ones that have set themselves aside as better that the people and have created laws to which they are immune, they must be defeated. We need candidates all over this Country who will do the right thing and get this country back on the right path.

Recently we have seen entrenched Republicans get defeated in the primaries, hoo-ray and good riddance to those grafters. Palin through out a slew of them in Alaska and those Republican elites have not forgotten that defeat and made her suffer. When the electorate throw them out is almost impossible for the Republican elites to get back at them, (except to join their democrat friends.)

What is Romney? His father was a capitalist, he is a capitalist and has had many successes as one. He is not afraid to get rid of non-producers and indeed his success may have been entirely because of that. However, he presided over the installation of universal health care in Mass. and worked hand in glove with liberals to put that State in serious debt for the next 30 years, or more. Liberals believe that government can solve all the people's problems and here is Romney siding with them. I do not believe that a republican should compromise with liberals. When that is done the liberals always win out over a republican. Even Regan got hornswaggled by Tip O'Neil who promised to reduce government spending if Regan would support him on some of his agenda. Tip O'Neil never kept that promise.

After Obama is defeated I do not want a business-as-usual bunch of elites doing the same things to this country as they are now doing. I want roll-back and it concerns me that Romney may not be the man to do it.


  • Hopefully, you will have Obama to blame for another 4 years.

    By Blogger Gretchen, at 10:05 AM  

  • Gretchen, Your comments are always welcome.

    By Blogger Marcel, at 12:43 PM  

  • You sound almost as excited as the other side.

    Suppose they gave an election and nobody came.


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:12 PM  

  • Romney is far from perfect but at least he is infinitely better than lame McCain.

    I must admit I had to look-up the definition of "hornswaggle".

    By Blogger John Beauregard, at 7:10 AM  

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