
Saturday, June 02, 2012

One Has Changed

Today, while having breakfast at McDonald's, I met a black Unitarian preacher. He was quoting scripture to me (chapter, verse and the lesson) and I listened intently. He had personal stories to go along with his preaching and witnessing. He held my interest and I found myself entertained. His son, about ten years old, was sitting next to him completely immersed in his ipod. It all reminded me about Mark Hoeksema and how his children acted when their dad would cover religion with a stranger.

When I got the floor I told him about Mark and how he did exactly what he was doing, ignoring the son while going on a preaching rant. I told him that later Mark's children rebelled against much of his teaching and it was tearing Mark apart because he wanted the best for his children. It was then that the preacher told me how he had the same experience as Mark. His oldest son rejected him when he got of age and left the family. At this time his son is serving seven years at an out of state prison. When he visits his son, the son tells him sorry he is because he did not follow his father's teaching. At this time the two are reconciled.

The preacher teaches in the public school system and I failed to ask what grade he teaches. He has a Doctorate in Education and has a complaint that he does not get paid as much as a medical doctor. From here we covered medical insurance and quality health care. His insurance has gone up and this has him feel betrayed. He voted for Obama because he thought health care would be made available for all. The reality has hit him and he stated he will not be voting for Obama again.


  • I can't tell you how sorry I am to hear about Mark and Colleen's kids rejecting their parents principles. It was not unexpected.

    I recall when their family visited us for a few days(must be over 15 years ago) the children were so well behaved and pleasant as were the parents. However, it seemed to us that the parents were overly protective of their children's exposure to the "real world". We knew the kids were home schooled, which is fine, but they were not allowed to play with kids that were not in their peer group. They were not allowed to watch TV at our house and when I would turn on the nightly news the whole family would go to another room and play games or pray.

    All in all it was a pleasant visit but after they left Nancy and I commented that we feared the kids would undergo a culture shock when they were finally exposed to the real world after high school or college. We hoped for the best but feared the worse.

    By Blogger John Beauregard, at 8:21 AM  

  • I can under your cherishing even one convert.


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:33 PM  

  • Marty,

    You may have missed the point:
    1) He is a thinking man
    2) He is a christian
    3) He is a minister
    4) He is a teacher
    5) He is black
    6) He voted for Obama

    Many liberals want us to belive that blacks will all vote for Obama. Some blacks will not because they see he is a fraud.

    By Blogger Marcel, at 8:54 AM  

  • I don't represent MANY liberals but of those that I know, not one of us expects all blacks to vote for Obama any more than we expect ALL caucasians to vote for Romney.

    That's the beauty of being liberal we get to think for ourselves. Not as we are expected to.

    By Blogger Gretchen, at 4:28 PM  

  • Gretchen.
    Really? As I understand it Obama got 97% of the black vote in 2008. That is not ALL blacks but it is far from "thinking for ourselves".

    By Blogger John Beauregard, at 9:28 PM  

  • The part I don't understand is that since Obama did not achieve "healthcare for all" he will not vote for him. Does he think that Romney will pass a "health care for all" plan? Does he not understand that the reason the health care plan does not include health care for all is because the republicans would have blocked it? I am not sure he is a thinking man at all.

    By Blogger EZ Travel, at 6:03 AM  

  • Good point Ericka. I think many people who become disenchanted with their politician's performance (Democrat or Republican) say they will not vote for them again but when they consider the alternative they end up voting for the same politician again. Many politicians count on that for reelection.

    By Blogger John Beauregard, at 7:54 AM  

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