
Tuesday, June 23, 2009


It is a religious mullah that is the supreme ruler in Iran. Indeed, it is the mullahs that run the legal side of Iran and they are the ones that decide who governs Iran. True, they had an election and one person was declared a winner but the voters knew that it was a mullah contrived win. What can be expected from a Theocracy? When a religious group is in charge they are very difficult to dislodge and Iranian citizens are now coping with that. Our founding fathers were very concerned with state religion and inserted into the first amendment that there should be no establishment of a state religion. We may now see what they were talking about, and feared. (Of course the ACLU goes way overboard in the interpretation of this amendment.) How will the Iranians ever divest themselves from this tyranny? What they are now doing is all very interesting but they should not look to us for any help. We did not help Hungary when they revolted. We did not help Poland when the trade unions revolted. The big help we give is only when we have fought and won a war, then we are able to get in there and do some of the heavy lifting. We helped Japan get rid of their religious ruler and set up a democracy. We helped Germany move away from a racial state and set up a democracy. Today's leaders cannot even conceive of doing anything like that. We are more concerned with our move toward socialism. The Iranian that looks to us will be sadly disillusioned.


  • Other than external interference the only means of extricating a dictator (theocracy is essentially a dictatorship) is revolution. The problem is often a revolution replaces one dictator for another as was the case in Iran in the 70s. As near as I can tell Iranian protesters are content with their theocracy but are protesting a single personality. Not worthy of U.S. intervention.
    On the other hand, if Iran becomes an eminent threat to the U.S. or our allies by developing nuclear weapons and threatening to use them against us we MUST act to overthrow their government in self defense. That might ultimately be how Iranians divest themselves from their tyranny. Hopefully that won't happen till we get a government with the stones to protect us.

    By Blogger John Beauregard, at 3:51 PM  

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