
Thursday, July 08, 2010

Danger in my life

Donald Berwick may become the most important man in my whole life. He has just been given the position that oversees both Medicare and Medicaid. This man believes in rationing medical care, and looks to the British medical system as one that has it "right." This is the person Obama had in mind when he made the statement: "When you are old and your life is pretty much over, then we will not spend money for an expensive operation but will instead give you pain pills." Berwick has studied medical expenses for old people and says that most of the health expenses a person incurs is at the very last days of their life. Therefore, cutting those expenses at that time will save a lot of money. I recognize him as someone that has a great deal of control over my life. I thought there was a possibility that I would live to be one hundred, now I am not so sure. Of course, you are also on his list.


  • Donald Berwick is Marxist Socialist in the vein of Barack Hussein Obama umm, umm, umm. He is pro wealth redistribution and health care rationing. The reason Obama had to make him a recess appointment is that his socialist views are too radical even for many Democratic Senators so he would probably not be confirmed.

    In real life Barwick is a pediatrician which makes him eminently qualified to manage the health care system of retired persons.

    By Blogger John Beauregard, at 5:43 PM  

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