
Saturday, July 10, 2010


The idea that there could be some Black Panthers restricting access to a polling station is a bit chilling. I have asked myself what I would do if there were two guys outside with clubs and saying that I should not go in. When I was younger there would be no question that I would have entered to vote. At this age, I am not so cock-sure of myself, and, I am capable of second thoughts. Calling the police seems like a safe thing to do, but what if they don't come? Perhaps talking to other people, form a gang, and rush them as they did on the airliner on 9-11. I am practicing my call, "Lets roll." In my precinct it is unlikely that we would have trouble of that kind. But, how about Kathy and Adrienne in the precinct they work, would it be possible there? If they do, I see it this way: Kathy would leave the job she is doing inside (she would digress) and go out and tell them what the law is and they had better get out of there because she is an attorney and has the power to give them some real trouble. (Later on she would weave a story about it to tell to her Toastmasters Club.) On the other hand, if Adrienne goes out she would try to find out their e-mail addresses so she can sell them some stuff. If they said they would not buy anything, she would run them off by telling them what a bitchy woman she can be and will see to it that their computers will always jam up. Yup, that should do it.


  • And I'd throw rotten squash.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:23 PM  

  • Wow, you have your family pegged just right.

    I would pray that the ground would open up and swallow them up.:)


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:31 AM  

  • OMG! I was going to make a comment that I thought you owed Adrienne an apology, that we expected better from you. You don't usually stoop to the "mean." You usually stop at the funny and we can respect that.

    Aunt Pat, on the other hand, we expect "the mean" from. Good christian lady that one. Praying for the demise of her husband's family.

    I am shaking with anger, and I am one of the most forgiving people you could ever meet. I actually told Adrienne to let it go, that this is obviously how you perceive her. That it is wrong and very mean-spirited, but that she should let it go. With this added swipe, I don't know if I could let this one go.

    Oh yeah, and black panthers outside the polling stations? Where do you get your news from? Oh, right. Never mind.

    By Blogger EZ Travel, at 6:01 AM  

  • I was talking about the black panthers, not any of you. Do you have a guilty conscience?


    I do not owe Adrienne anything. Sorry.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:47 AM  

  • I was referring to Marcel's blog about what was said about Kathy;s and Adrienne's and thought it was funny. Good grief, you have a short fuse.

    If you are one of the black panther's I could see where this would affect you. I did not mean any harm to you or Adrienne.


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:56 AM  

  • Erika,
    If you do not know about the Black Panthers that blocked a voting booth in Philly you will not fully get the humor in my blog. You have to see it, it is on U-Tube. You can get there by Googling: King Samir Shabaz and there are a few sites there that show to what I was refering. Slip down to Michelle Malkins entry and she covers it pretty well.

    By Blogger Marcel, at 4:59 PM  

  • Pat,
    Funny I knew exactly who you were talking about (ie ground opening up). I had to go back and read your comment to see what Erika was talking about. You must admit your comment can easily be interpreted the way Erika did.
    You appear to lead a sheltered (news) life. You need more diversity in you news sources not just David Letterman and/or Saturday Night Live.

    By Blogger John Beauregard, at 4:07 PM  

  • Thanks, John. Glad we are of the same opinion.


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:16 PM  

  • I took a course for online instructors with the University of Phoenix and one of the sections incorporated the highly sensitive nature of communicating via the written word. This is an interesting study of that topic.

    By Anonymous Dawn, at 5:20 PM  

  • This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:22 PM  

  • At the risk of opening this door again, I have to say Uncle Marcel, now that I have seen the tape--you could totally take them. They were not stopping any voters by what I could see (two people went into the building during the taping). The Black Panther guys stated that they were security. Having just taken public transportation in Phoenix (which seems a much safer city than Philidelphia, but then what do I know), I can't fault an area for wanting security. On the other hand, it is all in the eyes of the beholder. Me, I was wondering about the guy taking the video of people going into a polling place. That is a no, no (in California anyway).

    P.S. Uncle John, I have a news feed on my twitter that I follow everyday. I never heard about this story before this blog. The justice department (made up of mostly Bush appointees) looking into this matter said this case was "small potatoes"--not a single voter at that polling place complained, so I'm guessing it was much bigger "news" on Fox and cable.

    The reason the video was shown on the news feed that I get was because it was the basis for a person in the justice department resigning over racial bias in proscecuting cases. Leading me to be much more troubled that an isolated incident could be so blown out of proportion and sensationalized.

    I listened to a commentator this morning call the NAACP a bunch of hyping overpaid rasists that should be forcibly disbanded. His hatred was visceral and frightening. Given the history of advocating violence (however justified) by the Black Panthers--I can understand hatred of the Black Panthers, but this guy was talking about the NAACP--a long standing peaceful advocacy group.

    Another advocate in the same story commented that Obama supporters are too quiet in their support. The opposition hopes to win by being louder. So here's a little shouting I SUPPORT OBAMA.

    Implying that Obama supports Black Panthers, because the justice department made up of career lawyers declined to prosecute this nothing case, is just wrong. I know YOU weren't saying that Uncle Marcel, but I'll bet you a dollar that Fox was.

    P.S. Again. On the other hand, Fox is the plaintiff against the FCC in an obscenity matter. I am totally with Fox on this one. I hope they have enough pull with the conservative supreme court to end the ridiculous chilling censorship by the FCC on broadcasters. It is not that I don't want the bleeps--I want the bleeps--I'm totally in favor of tape delay--I have no desire whatsoever to see more of Janet Jackson (i.e. wardrobe malfunction), but I don't want companies to be arbitrarily sanctioned either. Is this a digression--my bad.

    By Blogger KathrynVH, at 12:08 PM  

  • Generaly FOX does not lie, they leave a few things out. The decision not to peruse the case was made Jann 7th 2009. The only choices seem to be........they knew, so in effect lied.....they didn't know, so not very good st their job. I think a little of both.


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:28 PM  

  • Kathy,

    Apparently your news feed did not give you everything. King Samir Shabaz clearly says: "You don't want to go in there cracker." While saying this he was thumping his baton. It is voter intimation clear and simple. Kathy, let me put this in perspective for you: if some white toughs said something like this to some blacks at a polling place you would be incensed. And, I believe, you would have taken some action. Also, if California has a law about no cameras outside of the place, again, you would take some action.

    By Blogger Marcel, at 8:13 PM  

  • Wow. I am just getting back to check on this one (it has been a long week).

    So, I may have been a little emotional there, but I don't see how it is better to "pray" for the Black Panthers to be swallowed up. This feeds into my basic view of most christians: "Love one another as long as they are just like me. Everyone else can (and should) just fall off the face of the earth."

    Uncle John, I really do lead a sheltered news life. It is called a full time job and a six year old boy. I do my best to keep up on-line, but the news is NEVER on at home since I am rarely up and awake and at home when Jackson is not around. And I haven't been up late enough for David Letterman or SNL in years (probably six years to be exact), but I do Tivo John Stewart and Steven Colbert. I always enjoy them, but, like Fox News, they are there for entertainment and not education.

    On the Black Panther issue I have to agree with Kat (big surprise, I know), this is a small issue. Every group has it's crazies that feel so strongly about things they feel the need to try to intimidate others into feeling the same way. The anti-abortion people who stand outside clinics to intimidate the clients there. The, I can't think of another term besides crazy-people, that think it is appropriate to protest outside military funerals because gays are allowed to exist. The authorities were called on the black panthers involved, it was deemed not worthy of prosecution and that is the end.

    BTW, Uncle Marcel, I still think your portrayal of Adrienne was more mean than funny.

    By Blogger EZ Travel, at 4:27 AM  

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    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:42 PM  

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