
Monday, October 01, 2007


When driving through an exclusive sub-division I often see mexicans working on the landscaping. They always have their heads down and are working hard, even in the hot sun. They do not look at the cars or the drivers as they pass, instead, they concentrate on their work. They are usually spaced about 80 yards apart so that they are never seen talking to one another. It is useless to wave to them because they are concentrating on the work. The whole place looks very good. I am impressed with their work ethic and their skill. We are better off having them here. A friend of mine received a ticket for speeding, it cost him $280 for that indiscretion. I did not feel the least remorse for him, he did wrong and he must pay for it. If I had done it I would also pay because that is the fine for doing the speed. I would feel bad, but I would pay. There is a gut wrenching dilemma facing us with the Mexicans: they are good workers and we need them, they are good people and we need them, they need only a hand up to become the excellent citizens that they can be. How did we get into this position? They have what we want and we have what they want, couldn't we have found a way for a mutually satisfying solution? It appears our immigration bureaucracy let us down. If they are sent back I will feel some remorse for them, but they did break the law. When the law is broken it is necessary to pay the penalty, a man stands up and pays what is necessary.


  • I say give um.. a chance..

    And how did our ancestors get here? Ok…. Some by boat. They did not run across a line in the desert. But they got here. And then they did things the legal way. They became a citizen and they learned the English language. They also had their children learn the language so they (the children) could communicate also.

    What worked for the past, should work for the present and the future, no matter what nationality wants to move here.

    I say those that have been here over five years should be taught English and everything else they need to become a citizen. Those under five years must learn English and apply to become a citizen. All must complete becoming a citizen within a year. If they don’t want to be a citizen…..send them back to their country.

    By Blogger cheryl, at 1:29 PM  

  • My impulse this morning was to jump right in and comment. But I contained myself and waited til I could at least try to formulate something that states my thoughts without ticking anyone off.

    "We need them"....Really? It bothers me when I hear people say "they" will do a job an American isn't willing to do. No, "they" will do a job an American isn't willing to do for an illegal amount of money! There is a reason we have a minimum wage, too many of our own families are living below the poverty line.

    Yes many of our ancestors have come here through immigration, but did they come here illegally? That seems to be the operative word that quite a few people ignore. They say only immigrant and not ILLEGAL immigrant. I see the rallies here in Los Angeles (one of the most populated areas with Illegal Immigrants) and they are carrying signs that say "We are not Criminals!". Uh.....yes you are!

    I would be perfectly fine with helping someone to come here legally, if they would be willing to learn the language and contribute to the tax system. I don't expect every immigrant to become a citizen, but yes, if your child is going to a public school and you and your family are using a public hospital, and driving illegally on public roads, you need to contribute to the tax system.

    Starting to ramble, I guess you get the gist.

    By Blogger Adrienne, at 8:02 PM  

  • Have you thought this through? Where would you draw the line? Do you let only hard working Mexicans enter, or open the border to anyone without restriction including hard working criminals, rapists or terrorists? No sovereign country I know has an open border.
    If you don't open the border what restrictions would you impose (skill? work ethic? non-criminal?) and how would you enforce them?
    If you make anyone here five years or more a citizen how do they prove they were here five years if they entered illegally? Reagan tried amnesty in the eighties and it encourage more illegals with the hope of future amnesties.
    I agree we need immigrants but they should follow the rules. Ma and Pa immigrated to the US in the 20s but they followed all the rules. Once they were here they helped some of their relatives immigrate legally and we all (including all of you that read this blog) benefitted greatly. I thank God every day that they made me a US citizen.
    We have all the immigration laws we need in this country. What we need to do is enforce the laws we have.

    By Blogger John Beauregard, at 7:57 AM  

  • Gooo Johhhn go Johhhn
    Where is the law enforcement on this?

    By Blogger cheryl, at 8:35 AM  

  • I just saw a piece on Good Morning America this morning about the richest man in the world. He has surpassed Bill Gates and he's a Mexican.

    Maybe the Mexican economy will improve to the extent that not so many of them will want to leave.

    I don't know what happened to the Canadian economy but it wasn't so long ago that we could go to the casino and trade $20.00 american for $30.00 canadian.

    Now the American dollar is worth $.98 cents Canadian. Go figure.

    By Blogger paulette, at 4:02 PM  

  • Yesterday a friend of mine told me that Mexico is becoming a top destination for retirees.

    The thought struck me that the younger Mexicans want to come here to get work and older Americans (who are done working) are going there for the cheaper cost of living. Maybe one day we can all just trade countries. Give them Montana NOW for all I care. Weird if you keep thinking about it.

    Wasn't NAFTA supposed to smooth things out job and economy-wise? Shouldn't that have provided more jobs for Mexicans in Mexico and thus reduce the desire to come here? I don't know.

    In any case, I agree with my dad. They are, for the most part, hard working and decent people. Some get into trouble, for sure. But that is true for all groups. He said the same thing about the Cubans in Miami and it was and still is true. Whether one LIKES them or not doesn't change what they are or do.

    Yes, it would be nice if they entered the country legally. I have no ideas on how to solve that problem. I do think that too many people make it too easy, though. They pass laws to make postings and documents bilingual. Mexicans and Cubans can take their drivers exam in Spanish. Why? Other countries don't do this. If I want to move to France I would have to learn French to get a drivers license. Same with Germany. Have you SEEN the written German language. Yikes! That alone keeps me from going there. :-)

    By Blogger Tim B., at 7:30 AM  

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