
Sunday, November 08, 2009

Health Care

Yesterday, the House passed a "Health Care" bill. Many people are overjoyed at this milestone and falsely believe their health will be improved. Every individuals health is their own responsibility. I am responsible to get enough sleep so that I may perform at work the next day. I am responsible to control what I drink so that I will be unimpaired while driving. I am responsible for what I eat so that I will not make myself sick today, tomorrow, or in later years. I am responsible for my dental health by brushing and flossing regularly. I am responsible for my pulmonary system by refraining from smoking and learning how to breathe properly. I am responsible for my cardio/vascular system by getting a cardio improvement through exercising. I am responsible for my immune system by getting the needed exercise to move lymph fluid. I am responsible for my strength and bone health by getting proper weight workouts. I am responsible for my joint health and range-of-motion by proper use of my limbs. I purchase medical insurance in order to avail myself of the services of a medical practitioner should I need one. I have needed some medical attention in the past for: hernia, carotid artery, hemorrhoids, hand surgery and chiropractic manipulation. I was glad that I had insurance to cover it and that I had willingly paid for it. (At two places of employment there was a choice of benefits, it was done on a point system, it was entitled a "Wellness Program." You could chose medical insurance, dental insurance or some other benefit, like more sick days, or vacation days. Younger, single people usually chose more vacation . At one place, there was some talk about turning the points into a cash distribution but it did not happen while I was there.) Medical insurance is important and I believe everyone should have it because it is impossible to tell in advance when you will need it. I also believe a person should be prudent enough to pay for it. The government should not be forcing some to pay for the medical care of others. But what about those that cannot afford to pay? you ask. Let us be very honest. We live is a society that has the fattest poor people in the world, the most poor people with cars, air conditioning, color television, cell phones, electronic games, cameras, intoxicants, etc. Some of that money could surely have gone to purchase medical insurance. Unhappily, we live in a society that demands others pay for what they want. In short, they have a right that it be taken from some and given to them. It was not too long ago that a person would be embarrased to get handouts like this.


  • Don't confuse that House bill with an attempt to improve the health of US citizens. Nothing could be farther from the truth. That bill is just another step (albeit a big one) toward government control of the masses (i.e. socialism).

    By Blogger John Beauregard, at 1:06 PM  

  • re donations

    People who listen to Fox News should learn the differance gbetween "shut up' and "don't listen." Only one of those is an attempt to silence. The other is used as back up for a position that has no real back up.


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:48 AM  

  • Marty,
    You have Blog confusion, your comment belongs in the "Donations" blog. Good point though.

    By Blogger Marcel, at 12:45 PM  

  • SHould I be embarassed to have gotten what could have been a life saving ultrasound and biopsy at the cost of the tax payers, because I have no health insurance or money at this time to pay for such? Hell no! I am however, grateful.

    By Anonymous Adrienne, at 7:46 AM  

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