
Saturday, February 13, 2010

Twenty-two Assistants

There are reports that Michelle Obama has twenty-two assistants to help her do her job as first lady. Most are paid quite lavishly. There is no constitutional mention of an office of the first lady. I can understand if she did not want to cook and hired a cook, but the White House comes with a cook. Laura Bush had two assistants, Hillary Clinton had two and Barbara Bush had one. What is going on here? The White House is taking on the appearance of the French Court of the king of France, Louis the XIV. How can this be justified? There are no private business that accommodates a president's wife. Wives must make do on the salaries of their husbands. Michelle is not feeble, illiterate, weak, stupid, lazy, or in constant pain. Why does this Country tolerate such a display of opulence?


  • Barack Hussein Obama umm umm umm does not consider himself to be a CEO but a chosen one, a king and as such he and Michelle should be afforded all amenities. After all they gave-up lucrative private careers to endure the hardships of government service right?

    By Blogger John Beauregard, at 2:56 PM  

  • "There are reports" that's all you need, and what more think that's all your readers need.

    There are people who would call that guilt by innuendo. What do you call it?

    I'm not asking for back up to you information, only noting your willingness to spread vacuous information.


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:22 PM  

  • Marty,

    The info came from columnist Dan Kennedy in his Feb 12 column "Family Budget Advice From Obama?" In that column he says he got it from In it he lists some ten titles from Michelle's staff with salary info. I went to that domain, found it, and could not locate where that specific info was. I looked for an archive for that location and could not find it.

    You may be right since I have seen it nowhere else.

    By Blogger Marcel, at 6:14 PM  

  • Not so vacuous.
    The origin of the information is the White House "Annual Report To Congress On White House Office Staff" dated 1 July 2009. Interested students and liberals see:

    By Blogger John Beauregard, at 6:45 PM  

  • May I say again.....

    ...I'm not asking for back up to you information, only noting your willingness to spread vacuous information.


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:29 PM  

  • John: Did you read the part about Laura Bush and her staff. WHR2008

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:35 PM  

  • I saw it on the internet. Sounds like you don't like pointing a finger at Michele, Marty. Why do you bother to comment?

    By Blogger patb, at 11:32 PM  

  • To WHR2008: I did. Two wrongs do not a right make.

    By Blogger John Beauregard, at 6:26 AM  

  • John, Marty doesn't want you to point out where you got this info., he just wants to comment on Marcel being vacuous. Isn't that something like calling the kettle black.

    By Blogger patb, at 6:39 AM  

  • There are reports that Michelle Obama has 22 assistants, is enough to comment that Obama has declared himself the chosen one.

    John comments that Laura Bush did indeed have more than 2 assistants as stated in the original post (the report I saw said she had 17), but clarifies that 2 wrongs do not make a right. However, it was not deemed wrong until Obama took office.

    As Kathy had pointed out previously it's hard to argue when someone says two plus two equals a carrot.

    By Blogger Gretchen, at 8:12 PM  

  • Whatever that means.

    By Blogger patb, at 7:24 PM  

  • Boy, did I come late to the party. I've been busy. I have no assistants.

    What that means, Aunt Pat, is that the story as reported is not as damning of Michelle Obama as it first appeared. It means that the authors of the story that Uncle Marcel reported on puposely skewed it so that Michelle Obama would look bad (perhaps they were about as fair and balanced as Fox News). It means that none of Republicans (or Tea Party type people) got upset when Laura Bush had 17 assistants. Guess what, neither did the democrats. The reason for that it is it a non-issue. The first ladies of this country (including Laura Bush) do a lot of good things. They focus the spotlight, while they have it, on important issues. But this information is not likely going to change your mind, because it is already made up.

    Michelle Obama + 22 assistants = Barack Obama thinks he is a king

    2 + 2 = carrot

    BTW, daddy did not call Uncle Marcle vacuous, he said that he was spreading vacuous information and he was right.

    By Blogger EZ Travel, at 5:02 AM  

  • daddy? oh please.......grow up!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:51 PM  

  • When you can't attack the facts, attack the person. Very grown up "anonymous."

    By Blogger EZ Travel, at 2:11 PM  

  • nice post. thanks.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:16 PM  

  • By Blogger Unknown, at 12:36 AM  

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