Peanut Butter
Peanut butter on fat-free soda crackers is one of my favorite snacks. I have a jar in the pantry now that is half full. A jar usually lasts me about four months. Today, I found that there is a salmonella scare over peanut butter and many have become sick by eating it. The brand names are Pater Pan and Great Value. Mine is Great Value, the Walmart brand. The lot number in question is 2111 and that is the number on my jar. What to do? I realize that I have some options open to me. 1) Ignore all the media noise and go on with my life like I had never heard of this problem. 2) Continue to eat the peanut butter but only in small amounts. Responses one and two means that I would be relying on my immune system to overcome any problem, maybe it is time to test it. Do I have a good immune system or not? But then, if my jar is not contaminated I might falsly assume that I have a good immune system. 3) Throw the jar away. 4) Take the jar back to Walmart and ask for a refund. 5) Save the jar for the possibility of a class action suit and cash in as an agrieved customer. 6) Save the jar and then sell it on E-bay. Do I have all the bases covered? Let me know.
The only other possibility that I can think of it eating all the peanut butter in one sitting. Although if you did that, and it was contaminated, you'd be a gonner for sure... I like the ebay idea though; seems that someone would pay good money for that.
Sean M., at 7:09 PM
Whoops, the third word in that second line should be "is".
Sean M., at 7:11 PM
You said the jar was half full. Do you feel half sick?
paulette, at 4:06 PM
Any one who can make a jar/tub/vat of peanut butter last four months deserves salmonella, provided salmonella means a slow and painful death.
marty, at 2:18 AM
Weren't "Sam and Ella" our next door neighbors in Miami? Oh, that's right, it was Alan and Ella.
Someone remind me to never have a meal at my Dad's house again.
"Chocolate Pudding? Anyone want some chocolate pudding? I's only been in the refrigerator 3 months and is pulled away from the sides of the container an inch all the way around. And there's a huge fault line running down the middle of it. Come on, if you don't want it I'm only going to THROW IT AWAY !!"
Tim B., at 6:36 AM
HAHAHA Yeah, that sounds like something Grandpa has said before...
I don't think I could let a jar of peanut butter last for four months, but that's just the PB lover in me.
Sean M., at 10:37 AM
Marcel, In this case I wouldn't put too much trust in the good genes. For several days Debbie thought that she had the flu, and the only thing that would stay down was peanut butter and crackers. Then Brittany (her daughter) saw the news, checked their Peter Pan peanut butter, which was 3/4 empty, and told her mom that it was the same number as reported on the tained jars. Deb called her Dr who told her to go to the emergency room right away, she got there at 8:30am, they hooked her up to an IV,and a shot for nausea. She was too dehydrated to give a stool sample, so they could not do the test to check for salmonela. The waiting room was so crawded with people, that she didn't get attention and get out of there until 6:15 that evening. She's going back to her doctor today, and will call me with results (if any). Don't wait, throw that jar away!!
Monica, at 2:34 PM
Marty, it is a two pound, eight ounce jar, not one of your dinkies. Four months was an estimate, maybe three months is more accurate. Paulette, I do not recall being sick, a little "off peak" though, which happens about every two weeks, for a day. Sean, one pound of peanut butter in a sitting is a huge load, unless your idea was a dinkie like Marty. Tim, there is no recall on chocolate pudding so eat away. Actually I have thought of another possibility, 7) Microwave the jar and kill the bacteria, thus making it edible. Oh! Don't like that? Much of our food has that done to it.
Marcel, at 2:39 PM
Monica, have her save the jar, I think she has a chance of winning the lawsuit-lottery.
Marcel, at 2:44 PM
Ok, now that makes sense... I couldn't imagine a "dinkie" lasting more than a few weeks, but one of those "honkers" can last awhile. Hang onto that jar and join the lawsuit...and send some of that money my way! :-D
Sean M., at 7:21 AM
To some of us a two and a half pound jar is a dinky. Now, a transit-mix truck, that's a four month supply of pranut butter.
marty, at 8:43 AM
I had to join in on this. First of all, don't throw it away, take it back to Walmart on your next trip there, Just the cap, and get your refund.
Secondly, there is a blog I read of a family here in Cali, and last year they kept count of how many jars of Peanut Butter theyw ent through. Here is the link to the original post
Now that's alot of peanut butter.
Adrienne, at 11:55 AM
I have a jar of the same lot also. I'm taking it back so I can purchase a jar of untainted Jiffy.
cheryl, at 1:10 PM
See, none of us Detroit grown people would have any of this problem if Velvet hadn't gone under.
paulette, at 6:45 PM
Velvet went under? I'm sorry, I know it was because I no longer ate it.
marty, at 9:38 PM
My brand is just too good from which to step away. There is no switching even though there is a possibility of getting sick. As for getting my money back, holding the jar for a while to see what develops seems right to me at this time. Marty's transit-mix size is too heavy for me, no place on my shelves. Monica, how did Debbie fare when she went back?
Marcel, at 7:50 AM
Peter Pan is Erika's brand of choice and she has about 3 jars, but hasn't even checked the numbers yet.
paulette, at 1:28 PM
This peanut butter thing really is widespread. I talked to my mom this weekend, and they had one of the "infected" jars. They turned the lid in, got a refund, and turned right back around and bought JIF.
Sean M., at 8:29 AM
I'm waiting to see something about the stock market on here...
Sean M., at 3:46 PM
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