Court System
Our little county newspaper, Clay Today, is published weekly. It covers many things that are happening in this county including: Obituaries, Sports, Grand Openings, Awards, Events, etc. There is also a portion devoted to happenings in the Court system. From time to time I have perused what is going on in the courts. It covers: DUI, possession of narcotics, battery, minor theft, larceny, concealed weapon, aggravated assault, drug paraphernalia, resisting arrest, domestic violence, robbery, robbery with a firearm, etc. Each week there are 50 to 70 entries of this sort listed in the paper. The first time I noticed this listing I thought it was for one month. Alas, this is a weekly listing. It is amazing to me that so much of this goes on. The names are included and I have never recognized anybody I know, though I do not make it a point to look every time.
Who are these people that cannot control themselves or their life situations? Are these what the French refer to as "Demi Monde?" Can they be church goers or have they ever been in church? What would it take to get these individuals out of the courts?
For my part, I have never witnessed any of these crimes. Never had to call a policeman for support or resolution of any problem. Because of my personal experience I would have guessed that these crimes only rarely happen. Yet, the paper has this amazing list each week. If I saw only one crime a week I believe I would live my life differently. Certainly, I would be looking around more and expecting the worse. As it is, I live a very peaceful and unafraid life. If it were not for the Clay Today paper I would not know what dire straights in which some people live.