Who Are They?
The underwear bomber was trained in Yemen, went to school with thirty others, presumably all were taught the same things. He failed to detonate and that must give him a failing mark in the school that he attended. Where did he stand in that class? Did he graduate at the bottom and all the others are smarter or more adept? Exactly what did he learn? What were the class materials, were there dry runs? What were the names of his classmates? Is there an overall plan for when they will be sent out to destroy airplanes?
The administration is looking into what went wrong. Why his name was not on a no-fly list. Things that are indeed important to improve our system.
The most important thing that could be done is not going to happen, and that is to interrogate him. If he were in Guantanamo he would be questioned, albeit water-boarding would not be used. He now has lawyers that advise not to say anything. Therefore, all his classmates remain anonymous and we await the next shoe to drop and perhaps that next person will be more successful. Yes, people may die on the next plane that is hit. Is this the best system that we can devise to protect the American public?