In the spirit of Michael Jackson's "Neverland," I want to postulate a scenario about what happened to Michael. First off, he is very deeply in debt and his life will dramatically change if he must live as a pauper. Realizing this, he sets up a tour which is the only way for him to make the kind of money he needs to support his lifestyle. Secondly, he starts rehearsals for the tour and they are physically demanding, very demanding. His body does not respond as it has in the past and he must push it harder through the pain now that he is older. Third, in order to get some relief he uses drugs to ease the pain and achieve some semblance of a good performance. The more he rehearses the more he hurts and the more drugs he needs. A physician is hired to keep track of his health and monitor his need and the effects. Michael calls the shots for how much drug relief he needs even overriding the concerns of his doctor. Finally, Michael demands more pain relief, he has it administered, and it is the overdose that kills him.